
Mar 1, 2011

Everday Victories

Something that I have never been very good at is cutting myself some slack, or counting my blessings.  I tend to focus on the things I didn't achieve and the tasks I failed at each day. During this process, I have had to re-learn a lot of things.  It is a truly life changing experience to loose weight, and in the process, find yourself.  So part of my journey has been re-learning how to treat myself.  Each day I am trying to acknowledge my own little victories in my head.  Today, I was so hungry,but instead of walking next door to Pizza Hut and getting pizza like I wanted to, I made a Medifast meal...little victory.  I am finding that it is easier to stay on plan when I am my own cheerleader.  Changing the inner dialogue is so important to our success, and I am working hard on changing the script in my head.

You Deserve Victory!


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