
Aug 18, 2010

My New Found Love!

If any of you are like me...sometimes getting the right amount of water each day can seem like a chore. I have always struggled with the "getting enough to drink" battle. So I have tried a few tricks to make this battle a bit easier to win.

1. Buy cute re-usable cups with straws that are easy to re-fill and keep one with me at all times stocked with ice cold water
2. Buy lemons and limes and slice them in my water
3. MY NEW FOUND LOVE....sliced cucumbers. They add a really fresh summery flavor to the water. I even mixed a lime and cucumbers was pretty good!!
4. If I drink ANY soda, I have a rule for myself that I have to pound a giant glass of water before and after the soda!
5. Last but not least...stay close to a are going to need it!!!


  1. Where did you get the cute cup? I struggle BIG TIME with not drinking water.

  2. These cups are only $5 at walmart!! So I bought two and they are the best! My coach had her families names put on cups with so cute!!
