
Sep 15, 2010

Something old...something NEW

Usually every couple of days I like to try new things, and usually you see it as my,"Things I love to eat" posts. Well, life has been so so so busy this last couple of weeks with my hubby starting at BSU, Z man starting preschool, me changing my schedule at work, and so on and so on. With all of this going on, I have not made time to try anything new. Tonight since Mitch was working late, I took my favorite chicken and some asparagus over to a friends house and cooked it there and had dinner with her and her sister.

It is a rare occasion when I try a new vegetable and I don't gag. My friend and her sister were eating fresh red peppers, and I got a bit gaggy just thinking about it...but then...I bucked up and tried one...and was pleasantly surprised. I think with a bit of tweaking, I may be able to find a way to enjoy fresh red peppers in my diet. I will be racking my brain trying to come up with the perfect companion sauce or dressing to make them delectable.

So, the point of this is to encourage you to try something!! You never know, you may love it!!

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